Monday, January 8, 2024

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 01/08/24 - It's a New Day!

Hello my Friends!

With us now in week 2 of 2024, have you taken time to reset and figure out what you want to achieve this year?

We all know how hard it can be to get some momentum following the holidays and we all have a head full of excuses, how about we get out of our heads, and start making results happen?

Who can relate to this?

Are you listening to your Head or your Heart?

This month we are working on the tools for success, last week we talked about setting goals based on our tendencies and preferences, and leaning into our own individual strengths to make a goal that is really achievable.  

Setting goals that cause friction do not work, no matter how much we try, so be true to yourself, if exercise is not you right now, then forget about it, maybe you can focus on moving for 5 minutes an hour, which is easy to do when pottering around the house, you will be surprised how many steps you accumulate.

This week we will work on creating a "Food tracking Routine", yes we will be talking about tracking and why it is proven to be the leading factor in weight loss.

Simply put "Food Tracking" makes us more aware of our choices, and helps us make changes if necessary so that we are successful in either losing weight or maintaining our weight loss.

How many of you are on a Tracking Streak?, this week bring your phones and brag on your streak days!!!

I hope you will make your workshop/meeting a priority this month, the first 4 weeks of a commitment are the most important, and can really get you off to a strong start.

Ditch the excuses, add your WW meeting to your calendar, and be there with intention, share all your NSV's, and any food finds.  With the WW shop closed now, we are all looking for new snacks and treats, so bring what you find and share them with us all, and why they work for you.

I can't wait to see you all this week, as when we are all together we can really do some great things.

Stay connected throughout the week on our local Connect Groups in your WW app and also via my Members Facebook group, link is included at the end of this page.

Much love always


Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page:

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Debbie's MAY "Food for Thought" 05/21/24 - What we gain from living a healthier lifestyle!

Greetings everyone. As we remember and honor those who died while serving in the US Military so that we get to enjoy the Freedom and Liberty...