Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 01/30/24 - Progress!

Hello my friends

Are you ready to finish January strong? 

What did you do that you are proud of this month?

For me it was digging deep and finding a goal.  At the beginning of the year I thought having my word "Intentional" would help me perform miracles, and see amazing results, but as the month was moving forward, I was not, and I was being intentional, but I didn't have a goal and was struggling to find one.  While I was looking through some older photos, I see some images of my former self that I want to be again, but as I don't have a magic lamp to rub or a time machine, I had to think long and hard about how I could get there again, and what I was doing then that I wasn't doing now.

Then it came to me, I needed a new word, one that would motivate me each day, and support a goal, which I decided was to be "Lean" like I used to be, not a weight or a pant size, but at peace with my body and mind.  

What a total shift, now my word is playing in my head constantly, I have added workouts that will help me get leaner, but also I want my thoughts, emotions and space to be leaner too.  Less worrying about things I cannot control, more acceptance over what I have, and a plan to clear out clutter, and create a leaner living space.  Even though the scale has only moved a little, I already feel lighter, happier and more in control, the power of that one word can really make a difference.

So if your word is not connecting you to your goal, dig deep and find one that will.

This week we will be talking about "Protecting our Progress" by making weight tracking part of a healthy routine.  We all know that when we track our weight regular we can see progress over time, but not tracking it can lead to more frustration and less likelihood of changing habits and behaviors to support our goals.

As we wrap up January, what has helped you create new behaviors and habits?

A good behavior to lean on has to be attending your weekly workshop, this gives us the perfect space to weigh in, and set a plan to follow through with for the next week.  

Love will certainly be in the air in February, the month will be full of self love, and love for others on plan too, we have a great lineup of topics, which we know are all backed by science and we are launching a new "Chat" feature, which I will be sharing with you all in the workshops over the next few weeks.  We are part of a special "So Cal Pilot", and I can't wait for you all to be part of it.  Together we have a strong community, so lets get stronger. 

"it doesn't matter what you did, it matters what you do next"

I can't wait to see you all this week, come rain or shine,

You can do this


Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Monday, January 22, 2024

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 01/22/24 - "Do what moves you"

 Happy Monday my Friends

As we pass the halfway point in January, take some time to reflect on how things are going for you.  This month we have been focusing on the "Key Behaviors" for weight loss and weight maintenance, we started with selecting a word that will keep us motivated and conscious of our Goals, then we established a tracking routine, and I love how so many of you are keeping your tracking streaks going and reaching new milestones, last week was about adding more protein and fiber, and keeping our foods interesting and filling too by adding more flavors, and bulk from our fruits and veggies to stay satisfied for longer. 

For me this has been a tough month with the Chocolate, which started in early December and I felt it was controlling me, logically I knew different but my body just took over, I was obsessed, by really paying attention to last week's topic I am happy to say I am now 5 days without Chocolate, and I have put all my supplies in "Timeout" until I feel more in control and able to have one piece and enjoy it.  No matter how many years on program, we all still have areas we struggle with, and it's normal, so if you have an area that's a little out of control, don't beat yourself up, acknowledge it and make a plan that will help you.  

Getting back to WW basics is a great start, tracking everything, moving more, getting enough sleep, drinking water, meal planning and grocery shopping for your plan, this is guaranteed to get your head back in check and you will feel calmer too.

This week in our workshops we will be talking about being active.  Getting regular activity and Tracking it, is a key behavior to practice, it is also the key to weight maintenance.  One way to make sure you get regular physical activity is to do what you enjoy.

So what do you like to do for physical activity?

Everyone has the ability to do something that helps them maintain physical activity, for example: Chair Yoga, Pilates, Stretching classes, aqua fit, indoor cycling, elliptical, walking either on the spot or on a treadmill, or outdoor walking.  It's just finding what you enjoy, and creating a happy routine.

What we do know from all the research out there is if we don't maintain mobility, we will lose the ability to be mobile as we get older.  This article gives some great ideas on The Importance of Maintaining Mobility as You Age:  https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/article/the-importance-of-maintaining-mobility-as-you-age/

Also check out this article from National Institute of Ageing:


I do hope to see all of you at our workshops this week, the rain will be gone, and 


Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 01/16/24 - "GOALS", or lack of them!!

Greetings my friends

Well just like that we are halfway through January.

I have been doing some head work with myself this past week, as I just couldn't get myself together, my workouts were all over the place, my eating was not the best and Chocolate was still a food group, it was scary, I felt like I was falling apart, and I could not figure out why.

I was getting my regular sleep, eating and tracking everything even the chocolate, drinking 80-100% of my water, and the scale is going the wrong way!!!!

I no longer have jet lag as an excuse, or getting back into a routine, so there had to be something else.

I am not sick, I am getting all my food groups, I am making an effort to cook and eat well, having 3 meals a day, so what could possibly be wrong?

Then it hit me, I did not have a goal for 2024.  Every year as far back as my first year on plan I have had a yearly goal, be it to run a race, be a certain weight, achieve a fitness goal, my last measurable goal was for the end of 2021 to be able to do 60 push ups, so that I could do them on my 60th birthday at the very start of 2022, and I did it, and from then onwards I have not had a challenging goal to work towards.

2022 & 2023's goal was to do something for my body each day and be kind to myself, as those were the years I was dealing with foot pain and surgeries, and now for 2024 I am at a loss.  I don't want to set a weight goal, and I am not wanting to run a race, so for now I am narrowing my goals to monthly fitness goals, and hoping that it will spark a bigger goal that I can relate to and work towards.  For the next 4 weeks I am doing a body bootcamp via my Peloton app, it is not pretty and lots of modifications, but hoping by the end I will be more motivated to set a bigger goal, and if not then I will keep doing a monthly challenge to keep my head in the game.

The good news is since I had this think time, my cravings for chocolate have greatly reduced too, and I am thinking more before I eat something, and tracking in the moment and not catching up at the end of the day.  Small changes, one day at a time......

I am sure many of you can also relate to this situation, if you can share your struggles in the workshops, and if you are trailblazing the weight loss, we all need to hear what's giving you success.  If we all live in our heads it can get very lonely and a bit confusing, so I am looking for some motivational tips this week.

Our topic this week is "Meal Builders", we will break into groups and come up with some delicious, quick and satisfying meals incorporating a protein, and a fruit or Veg, and then for lunch and dinner also incorporate a good fat, or carb and some flavor boosters, so if you have a go to recipe, don't keep it to yourself, share on connect, or our facebook page and at our workshops.

If you've been avoiding the scale, it's time to face it, as leaving any longer will not help, and better you start now than in 2, 4 or 6+ weeks or months from now.  Good health does not take a day off.

What did you do today, that you will be proud of tomorrow?

Much love always and see you at the workshops.


Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Monday, January 8, 2024

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 01/08/24 - It's a New Day!

Hello my Friends!

With us now in week 2 of 2024, have you taken time to reset and figure out what you want to achieve this year?

We all know how hard it can be to get some momentum following the holidays and we all have a head full of excuses, how about we get out of our heads, and start making results happen?

Who can relate to this?

Are you listening to your Head or your Heart?

This month we are working on the tools for success, last week we talked about setting goals based on our tendencies and preferences, and leaning into our own individual strengths to make a goal that is really achievable.  

Setting goals that cause friction do not work, no matter how much we try, so be true to yourself, if exercise is not you right now, then forget about it, maybe you can focus on moving for 5 minutes an hour, which is easy to do when pottering around the house, you will be surprised how many steps you accumulate.

This week we will work on creating a "Food tracking Routine", yes we will be talking about tracking and why it is proven to be the leading factor in weight loss.

Simply put "Food Tracking" makes us more aware of our choices, and helps us make changes if necessary so that we are successful in either losing weight or maintaining our weight loss.

How many of you are on a Tracking Streak?, this week bring your phones and brag on your streak days!!!

I hope you will make your workshop/meeting a priority this month, the first 4 weeks of a commitment are the most important, and can really get you off to a strong start.

Ditch the excuses, add your WW meeting to your calendar, and be there with intention, share all your NSV's, and any food finds.  With the WW shop closed now, we are all looking for new snacks and treats, so bring what you find and share them with us all, and why they work for you.

I can't wait to see you all this week, as when we are all together we can really do some great things.

Stay connected throughout the week on our local Connect Groups in your WW app and also via my Members Facebook group, link is included at the end of this page.

Much love always


Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Debbie's weekly "Food for Thought" 01/02/24 - Happy NEW YEAR!

 Happy NEW YEAR everyone

I am back from what seems the longest trip ever, it was a great trip, we absolutely loved visiting family and friends, created some awesome memories, did lots of fun things, ate loads of wonderful holiday foods, and got Covid!!! which was not in my plans, but we had to roll with it and I only gained 3lb, now that was a win win for me.

Going away is great but coming home is better, I missed my dog Belle, I missed you all and I missed my routine, and structure, but as they say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", and it sure does and here we are now, the Holidays behind us, already 2 days into a New Year, and a whole new future ahead of us.

As we leap into 2024, (pun intended), what are your goals?

Our topic this month, will be focused on setting goals that work for you as you learn more about the core behaviors that drive weight loss, and we start this week by leaning on our natural tendencies and preferences.

I want you all to think of a word that embodies your vision for the year.  

Some of the words I am reading are: Intentional, calm, organized, playful, acceptance, empathy, mindful, active, thoughtful, honest.  

Whatever the word you choose, be sure that it fits you, and will motivate and support you on a daily basis.  Write this word down, find a sign of it, tape it to a mirror, or in your car, just keep it visual or committed to memory to remind you on a daily basis of your vision that will support your goals.

My word this year is "Intentional".

I am not one for new year resolutions, but I do believe in making Promises to myself, I have done this for a few years now, and always keep it relative to what is true and real.  

Last year my promise was to do something for myself each day, this helped as I knew I was facing some foot issues, and being aware that I needed to put myself first each day, be it a long shower, or a short workout, it took the pressure off having to be perfect and expect too much of myself and it gave me permission to meet myself where I was on the day, and nothing more, and it was a promise I could keep which felt extra special.

This year my promise is to Love myself first. 

What will your promise be to yourself?

This year is not about reinventing ourselves, this year is about taking who we are right now, and meeting that person and our needs on a daily basis, and raising ourselves up to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be.  

I can't wait to see you all this week, and catch up on all your Holiday successes, and challenges, as I know there are a few!!!!, but we all know we survived, we made it through another year, and we have sharpened our skills and awareness, what did you learn that your future self can benefit from?

Much love always

Coach Debbie xxx

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Debbie's MAY "Food for Thought" 05/21/24 - What we gain from living a healthier lifestyle!

Greetings everyone. As we remember and honor those who died while serving in the US Military so that we get to enjoy the Freedom and Liberty...