Monday, July 31, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 07/31/23 - "Managing Stress"    

Happy Monday,

As we jump into August, are you beginning to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or just out of routine?

If you answered YES", then you are not alone.  More people are experiencing higher levels of stress as we move into August compared to June & July, and this then starts to build over the next few months, if you let it get out of hand.

I felt my blood pressure climb when I walked into Lowe's last week and was greeted by Halloween decorations, it made me feel like it was upon us really soon, and not 3 months away, I had to Pause, breath and check my calendar!!!!!

But this did create that initial sense of urgency, that I needed to start preparing for it now, and then it would be Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then............ STOP, instead of getting carried away and feeling like you are losing the race, pause, and bring yourself back to the moment.

Yes I can plan for all the Holiday's but I don't need to do it now, instead I will enjoy the rest of the summer, which for us here in So-Cal, will be until at least mid-October.

WW knows exactly what we need to hear each and every month, and this month right on cue we will be exploring techniques that highlight the power of pausing and reflecting on the journey. 

Our subject for August is "PAUSE & REFLECT"

Here’s an example of how this can play out. 

Imagine you’re rushing to get out the door and you can’t find your car keys. You look around in a frantic frenzy, tossing pillows, moving sofa cushions, and looking in drawers. You now have no way of getting to your destination on time. 

Now, imagine that when you realized your keys were missing, your first reaction was to pause and think back to the last time you remember having your keys before looking. By pausing and reflecting in this instance, you’re able to narrow down your next steps to help you find your keys in less time. 

Pausing and reflecting on a wellness journey isn’t that different. When we take time to pause and reflect, it allows us to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and how they interact. This knowledge can help us levelset, shape the steps we take, and be successful. 

This week we kick off August with one of my favorite topics', "5-4-3-2-1"

This will remind us all how we can anchor into the present moment to reduce feelings of stress, as we know that when we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it can make it harder to stay on track throughout our journey.
We know stress is a normal part of being human, and many stressors are not within our control, practicing the  5-4-3-2-1 technique will help us respond differently.
As always check out the weekly topic before you come to the workshop, and you can find it on the Discover Content section on your WW app.

I hope you will join us this week, (my schedule is below).

Please remember to RSVP for your workshop so we have you already on our attendee list.

Much love always
Coach Debbie xoxoxoxo

"Remember what we eat in private, will show up in public!".
Track everything you eat and drink and avoid the stress of not knowing!

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro

6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 

Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall

3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 

Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church

5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902

Saturday - 8:00 AM 

Saturday - 9:30 AM 

 Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page:


  1. Oh I can relate to the decorations in stores—Christmas stuff starting to go up too. It makes me think summer is over already. Good reminder to enjoy each day!

  2. Since I have been away for a while I was wondering how and where do you RSVP if I'm coming to a meeting?


Debbie's MAY "Food for Thought" 05/21/24 - What we gain from living a healthier lifestyle!

Greetings everyone. As we remember and honor those who died while serving in the US Military so that we get to enjoy the Freedom and Liberty...