Monday, October 9, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 10/09/23 - What works for YOU?

Good morning everyone

I am back after a week of celebrations and fun with my Sister and Brother-in-Law, who flew in from the UK to celebrate with us for our anniversary week.  It was a week of surprises, unplanned events, a disruption to my workout routine and my sleep, but it was worth every single minute, just to have quality family time.  Living here with all my family in the UK can get lonely at times, and this visit really filled my cup.

Part of our WW program, encourages us to be healthy and happy, to eat the foods we love, enjoy them and also stay mindful at the same time, and this is what I did this past week, I tracked it all, and knew day to day that it was very different, but just staying mindful kept me in line, I didn't overdo anything, however I had more sugar and alcohol last week than I had in a very long time, and I also had more upset stomachs too!!!!.

I love that our monthly theme this October is all about our "Eating Patterns and Habits", it's a great time to get back to the real basics, What, When, How Much, How Often, and Portions.

Last week we talked about being aware of our eating patterns, not just when we eat, but why and how much.

This week we will talk about "Finding the Right-for-you portion size".  Portions are personal, what is enough for one person may not be enough for another, so we all need to determine what is the right amount for us.  This is determined by multiple things to consider, such as: what amount leaves us feeling satisfied, and how will it fit into our budget.

A serving size is VERY different from a Portion size.  To get the nutritional data of food, WW uses the data that is set by the FDA for packaging, this is always a suggested serving size, it is not telling us it is what we need to have, we get to decide that based on how it works within our budget.  Based on the data that determines a suggested serving size, we use this to calculate the points, and then we can determine individually if we need more or less or if this amount works for us, both in satiety and within our budget.

Have you been paying attention to the labels?

Are you measuring and or weighing your foods?

How do you know what portion is right for you?

I can't wait to hear how you figure this out.

I will be on vacation from 10/12 to 10/20, so next week there will be no blog, but I will try to connect via our Facebook group when I have internet access.  You can join us on Facebook using the link at the end of this page.

I know you all want to see results, and you want to make progress too, and I know that you all can do it, just get back to basics of the program, become a new member again, plan meals, get the groceries you need, put in a little effort, because you are worth it, and you deserve it.  

  • “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” ―Buddha.

Much love as always

Coach Debbie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page:

1 comment:

  1. I really never thought about the difference between serving size and portion size


Debbie's MAY "Food for Thought" 05/21/24 - What we gain from living a healthier lifestyle!

Greetings everyone. As we remember and honor those who died while serving in the US Military so that we get to enjoy the Freedom and Liberty...