Hello my friends
As we wrap up our month of "Reflect & Refresh" techniques, what have you given more thought to lately?
For me I have been trying to put me back into my day to day routine and trying to figure out why I have been gaining and not losing!.
To do this I really reflected on my early weeks as a WW member, yes the points were different, and it was over 20 years ago, but the one takeaway I had was, regardless of what plan we are on, when something works it works, so I dug deeper, and asked myself: what did I do that worked for me?.
It really was simple, I planned what I ate, I thought about it ahead of time, and I was eating more veggies, proteins and fiber based foods!. What an epiphany that turned out to be.
I was very routine in adding a veggie to every lunch and dinner, be it just lettuce in a sandwich, or a side of steamed broccoli with a microwave dinner, it was all about bulking up the meal with the fiber, which kept me fuller longer, I remember I used to feel so sleepy once I ate, and was full for hours, which helped me to stop night snacking and also I planned an afternoon snack, sometimes I didn't want it or need it, if I drank enough and stuck to my plan.
I was very mindful of the sugar snacks, and conscious of the grams of sugar I had each day, and tried to stay within the recommended 24 grams a day, (and 36 grams a day for men, based on the AHH guidelines). When we pay attention to all our labels, sugar is in everything and it adds up really fast.
So this week I wrote out my meal plan, just putting it on paper made me more conscious, and I tracked in the app at meal times, I started planning my cookies and not free feeding with them, and I also got onto a Virtual Workshop, ☝. What was hilarious was the group were talking about the benefits of tracking, and one said, it keeps us accountable and we have to budget and be honest, of course we do, thought me, and realized that I had popped the lid off of my cookie tub, and was dunkin cookies into my tea as I was watching it, WOW, that was a really big wake up call, and I quickly closed it and put it back in the pantry and closed the door.
I discovered quite a lot about myself this month and it has helped me adjust and think more positively instead of getting all upset and frustrated.
This week we will be wrapping up September Embracing "NO"!
When we say "NO" to something, we get an opportunity to say "YES" to something better, or more worthwhile, so this week be prepared to take notes, bring a pen or your phone to take notes on, as we will discover, how we can turn "F.O.M.O" (fear of missing out) into "J.O.M.O", (joy of missing out).
What have you said "NO" to that allowed you to "YES" to something more beneficial to yourself?
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