Hello my dear friends,
This has been a really tough week for me, now that I am getting back into a regular routine after a busy August with the family here I have too much thinking time, and the grief of losing my beautiful boy "Beau" has hit me really hard, I have been falling apart without any warnings, and then his Urn arrived yesterday, and I was a blubbering mess.
This week's topic has helped me to try to reflect on the good times, the memories and moments that we did have, and slowly day by day I am healing. I am so grateful that I got to be his Mum, and give him 6 years of unconditional love, he truly was my Favorite Hello and my hardest Goodbye..
This week in our workshops we will be talking about reflecting on what's going well, and I will introduce you to the "3 Good Things" technique.
You can check it out on the WW app on our Connect group.
When we practice Gratitude by focusing on the good things in our lives, it helps us maintain a positive approach to each and every day, and this helps us overcome hurdles and keep up the good habits which we know will get us closer to our goals.
It's not always easy to identify "3 Good Things", so we will start with the small things we are grateful for. Right now and in this moment I am grateful for the fan above me, that is keeping me cool 😉
I am so grateful to every one of you for being part of our WW world, and attending our workshops, as this allows me to do the job I love to do, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you. You all fill my heart with Gratitude each and every week 💖.
I am forever grateful to WW too, for not just helping me lose weight and keep it off, but for guiding me through lots of change, personal growth and new found confidence.
What WW taught me in my early years on program was that I was worthy of happiness and personal success, that I could change, and how it was important to be grateful for all the little steps that happened along the way, these are the NSV's, (non scale victories), and with every challenge, cames an opportunity to create something good and lasting.
I look forward to filling our rooms with gratitude this week, and I can't wait to see you all.
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