Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 09/26/23 - "F.O.M.O or J.O.M.O?"

 Hello my friends

As we wrap up our month of "Reflect & Refresh" techniques, what have you given more thought to lately?

For me I have been trying to put me back into my day to day routine and trying to figure out why I have been gaining and not losing!.

To do this I really reflected on my early weeks as a WW member, yes the points were different, and it was over 20 years ago, but the one takeaway I had was, regardless of what plan we are on, when something works it works, so I dug deeper, and asked myself: what did I do that worked for me?.

It really was simple, I planned what I ate, I thought about it ahead of time, and I was eating more veggies, proteins and fiber based foods!.  What an epiphany that turned out to be. 

I was very routine in adding a veggie to every lunch and dinner, be it just lettuce in a sandwich, or a side of steamed broccoli with a microwave dinner, it was all about bulking up the meal with the fiber, which kept me fuller longer, I remember I used to feel so sleepy once I ate, and was full for hours, which helped me to stop night snacking and also I planned an afternoon snack, sometimes I didn't want it or need it, if I drank enough and stuck to my plan.  

I was very mindful of the sugar snacks, and conscious of the grams of sugar I had each day, and tried to stay within the recommended 24 grams a day, (and 36 grams a day for men, based on the AHH guidelines).  When we pay attention to all our labels, sugar is in everything and it adds up really fast.

So this week I wrote out my meal plan, just putting it on paper made me more conscious, and I tracked in the app at meal times, I started planning my cookies and not free feeding with them, and I also got onto a Virtual Workshop, ☝.  What was hilarious was the group were talking about the benefits of tracking, and one said, it keeps us accountable and we have to budget and be honest, of course we do, thought me, and realized that I had popped the lid off of my cookie tub, and was dunkin cookies into my tea as I was watching it, WOW, that was a really big wake up call, and I quickly closed it and put it back in the pantry and closed the door.

I discovered quite a lot about myself this month and it has helped me adjust and think more positively instead of getting all upset and frustrated.

This week we will be wrapping up September Embracing "NO"! 

When we say "NO" to something, we get an opportunity to say "YES" to something better, or more worthwhile, so this week be prepared to take notes, bring a pen or your phone to take notes on, as we will discover, how we can turn "F.O.M.O" (fear of missing out) into "J.O.M.O", (joy of missing out).

What have you said "NO" to that allowed you to "YES" to something more beneficial to yourself?

I hope you all say "NO" to hitting that snooze button this week, and instead say "YES" to making it to our morning workshops, where you know you don't want to miss out on anything.

Have an amazing on plan week everyone, I really look forward to seeing you all.

Remember: You Matter, You are Important, and You are loved 💖.

Much love as always

Coach Debbie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Monday, September 18, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 09/18/23 - "Time to Reflect and Refresh"

Good morning everyone

I hope you are enjoying the Fall like weather that we have right now, yes it's a bit grey, but how good does it feel!!  but what's even better is we know it's only going to last a short while and the sun will be back before the end of the week.

Don't you wish you could look forward on your weight loss like that and know for certain it will happen?  If only we could predict how and when we will lose weight, life would be so much easier.

Alas, it does not work that way, but when we know what works for us, and really tap into our "WHY", which is the real reason for wanting to be being a better version of ourselves, then we can set ourselves up for success.

My WHY is to keep heart healthy and not become a statistic of my family history, of which most have either died of had some heart problems before the age of 60.  To do this I have to eat healthy, avoid the processed foods and saturated fats, keep active, and sleep well.  

This has become my way of life, and activity is always a priority, even after all these years, every day I could talk myself out of it, but my WHY keeps me motivated, I want my body to feel good, because when it feels good, I do much better.

This month in our workshops we have been focusing on reflecting and refreshing, knowing what works for us.  When we look back and see how far we have coasted away from the core behaviors that help and support us, then we can start to reel ourselves back in and get ready for success.  

This week we will officially start our Fall season, so are you ready to "FALL BACK" into those good habits again?  

If yes, what is your first step?

This is important as we build on this first step. for me, changing the decor at home to more Fall colors makes me aware of the season.  Clearing out the pantry, fridge and freezer makes me aware of what I have in stock and helps me plan meals better using these core ingredients, like: beans, tomatoes, spices etc., and seeing all the Fall veggies is inspiring me to make more sheet pan roast veg trays, and slow cooker meals too using the root veggies again.

Do you know where you are going to set your starting point?

This week in our workshops we will be talking about "How to refresh your Kitchen".  Our kitchens are the heart of all our homes, and it's the easiest place to provide us the support we need, but also the easiest place to derail us to.  How do you want your Kitchen space to support you? 

Go to one of our Connect groups on your WW app and read the Facts for this week and also the weekly technique.

Need help connecting to our Connect group, we can help you at the workshop.

So are you ready to get back to basics, kickstart weight loss and build on self happiness?, then be sure to join us in person at the workshops this week, you can use "Find a Workshop" on your ww app menu to find one if you are not able to attend ours, or see my schedule below so you know where I will be each week.  

I look forward to seeing you all.

Happy FALL!  

Much love as always
Coach Debbie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 09/12/23 - Reflecting on what's going well!

 Hello my dear friends, 

This has been a really tough week for me, now that I am getting back into a regular routine after a busy August with the family here I have too much thinking time, and the grief of losing my beautiful boy "Beau" has hit me really hard, I have been falling apart without any warnings, and then his Urn arrived yesterday, and I was a blubbering mess. 

This week's topic has helped me to try to reflect on the good times, the memories and moments that we did have, and slowly day by day I am healing.  I am so grateful that I got to be his Mum, and give him 6 years of unconditional love, he truly was my Favorite Hello and my hardest Goodbye..

This week in our workshops we will be talking about reflecting on what's going well, and I will introduce you to the "3 Good Things" technique.  

You can check it out on the WW app on our Connect group.

When we practice Gratitude by focusing on the good things in our lives, it helps us maintain a positive approach to each and every day, and this helps us overcome hurdles and keep up the good habits which we know will get us closer to our goals.

It's not always easy to identify "3 Good Things",  so we will start with the small things we are grateful for.  Right now and in this moment I am grateful for the fan above me, that is keeping me cool 😉

I am so grateful to every one of you for being part of our WW world, and attending our workshops, as this allows me to do the job I love to do, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you.  You all fill my heart with Gratitude each and every week 💖.

I am forever grateful to WW too, for not just helping me lose weight and keep it off, but for guiding me through lots of change, personal growth and new found confidence.

What WW taught me in my early years on program was that I was worthy of happiness and personal success, that I could change, and how it was important to be grateful for all the little steps that happened along the way, these are the NSV's, (non scale victories), and with every challenge, cames an opportunity to create something good and lasting.

I look forward to filling our rooms with gratitude this week, and I can't wait to see you all.

Much love as always
Coach Debbie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Monday, September 4, 2023

Debbie's Weekly "Food for Thought" 09/04/23 - All good things come to an end?

Happy Labor Day my friends, 

I hope you are taking today to do something wonderful for you and your loved ones.

I am sorry I didn't get to blog last week, I tried but it just didn't happen, so much to do, and so little time to do it all!.

The family left last Tuesday evening and are now safely back in the UK, they are falling back into their routines and getting over the jetlag, and today the kids went back at school.

Our younger Grandson started secondary school today, so the start of a new beginning for him, and Mum & Dad only have one school run now instead of two, which is a positive change.

We are all normally sobbing at the airport as we don't always know when we will see each other again, but this year we plan on going in December to see them, so goodbyes were more of a "See you soon" instead.

All of these events involve a lot of changes, and it's amazing how we adapt, and fall into new routines.

As we celebrate the unofficial end of summer, we will all find ourselves falling into new routines, it's not really all good things coming to an end, it's more like time to start a new chapter, which gives us an opportunity to reflect and review the past, and on WW this is what we have been working on all of August.  What takeaways do you have from your summer on WW this year?

It was a tough one for me, I know food wise it is hard and I make allowances like not expecting to lose weight but more to stay consistent with my workout and eating routines, and this always helps, but when the unplanned happens things do get rough, and I know you all know how that can feel.

What is more important here is that we take a positive approach as we begin a new season, wipe the slate clean and time to forward plan.

What Goals do you have? - Write them down, share them with family & friends and WW too, it will create accountability to keep you focused.

When was the last time you visited your "WHY"? - Is your WHY still relevant, maybe that event you was aiming for has passed, think of why you want to get healthier, and remember to dig deeper for the real core reason.

Do you find your schedule more hectic now? - If your schedule is changing, now more than ever lean into the program, use the tools to meal plan and prep, we all know a little planning can help us save time during the week, it's an investment that you will always benefit from.

Remember any GOAL without a PLAN is just a WISH!!!!

As always here at WW, we know that a new season brings changes, so we have you covered.  

This month our Theme is centered around helping you all with techniques to get you reinvigorated as you settle back into regular routines and gear up for the fall. 

This week we will be working on how to Boost our Mood with Activity!

I hope when you review your schedule you will keep your WW workshop as a top priority for yourself, so that together we can all have a great Fall season, and really settle into routines before the Holidays start.

We have 2 short months to get into new habits and routines that will help us navigate and prepare for the holidays, so it's no surprise that you will start seeing the fall flavors in store now, so plan for them too.

Yes you can have your Latte and enjoy it, but like everything, in moderation!😜

I can't wait to see you all this week, all our workshops saw a great jump in attendance last week, this makes me so happy, as when we see growth in attendance, we can plan to add more workshops, as without all of you we wouldn't have any, and for that I am forever grateful for your support and loyalty.

Much love always
Coach Debbie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule

​Temple Emanu-El Del Cerro
6299 Capri Drive, San Diego 92120 
Wednesday - 9:30 AM 

Point Loma Assembly Hall
3035 Talbot St, San Diego, CA 92106 
Friday - 9:00 AM  

BONITA - Sweetwater Community Church
5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
Saturday - 8:00 AM 
Saturday - 9:30 AM 

Join me and other members on my Personal Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/552026984828516/

Debbie's MAY "Food for Thought" 05/21/24 - What we gain from living a healthier lifestyle!

Greetings everyone. As we remember and honor those who died while serving in the US Military so that we get to enjoy the Freedom and Liberty...