Happy Monday my friends.
As we get ready to march right into MARCH this week, how are you feeling about your progress this year so far?
Making progress no matter how big or small is "Progress", all steps forward get us further along our journey and closer to our goals.
Take a minute to pause, and think about your journey and progress and ask yourself:
Am I where I expected to be?
Am I 100% committed to a better me?
What has changed this month?
When you reflect on your own journey it gives you the power to make adjustments if needed, or pivot or keep going and doing what works, this keeps the self-love going too. Not every week is going to be the same, and the weight may stick, but it's the other victories that show the real progress
And this week we wrap up February with Love Your Wins (Reflect on Non-Scale Victories): The weight loss journey isn’t just about the number on the scale. It’s about all the wins you have along the way. This week we will take a moment to celebrate and appreciate those wins.
How would you measure your success if the scale didn't exist?
For me it's important to make myself a priority at least once a day, be it to make time to relax and unwind, or workout with intention, doing something for my mind or body reminds me why I am still a WW member after 21 years, it's because I am worth the investment.
Everyone I live with agreesš¤£, if I take care of myself, I am a nicer and happier person to be around and they benefit greatly from this too. It's all about balance, self-care and quality of life. For me my health is the most important part of my journey, and making sure I eat right, move more, sleep better and stay mentally healthy and acknowledging at least one thing a day that makes me feel successful.
When we acknowledge the Non Scale Victories that we witness daily, it provides insight into the real us, our strength of character will show through, the determination we use to tackle life, shows up in our resilience and determines how we get through sticky situations, the decisions and choices we make to advance our success.
What NSV's have you witnessed this past week? Make a list of them and bring it to the workshop, so we can celebrate with you.
NSV's really can be miracles' in the making.
I can't wait to see you all as we wrap up February, We have had some great topics this month, here's a quick recap:
Eat Foods You Love (Identity New Food Favorites): Changing what you eat is a lot easier when you love the foods you’re eating.
Love Yourself (How Would You Treat a Friend?): Treating yourself with love and compassion, the same way you would a friend, can make healthy choices easier. This really can help you change the way you talk to - and think about - yourself.
Love Your Spaces (Set Up Your Environment ): Love where you live by setting up your spaces in a way that makes healthier choices easier.
We also launched the pilot of "Messages" last week, which is so amazing, hope you have checked it out, and feel special to be included in this Pilot.
This is only for members who have the premium membership which includes workshops (in-person and Virtual), as it is designed to be an extension of our weekly meetings, where we can continue to message and support each other throughout the week, and I just love reading how you are all supporting each other. This is really what makes WW so special, a community of people who care for each other, and this is just the start of community building and investment into our "In Person" workshops.
We are planting roots and soon we will start to see them grow, and I can't wait.
Much love always
Coach Debbie xxx
What are you excited about? Come and support the workshops this week
Here is my Weekly Workshop schedule
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